Have you ever wondered what your true mental age is? Sometimes, our mind and the way we see life don’t quite match our chronological age. The visual test I’m sharing with you now, therefore, aims to help you discover how young or mature your mind is through a simple choice. What do you think? Are you ready to take part in this test? All you need to do is look at the main image of the article and choose one of the three symbols shown below, the one that appeals to you the most. After that, I invite you to reflect on your answer at the end of this article, where you’ll also gain a clearer understanding of your way of thinking and how it influences your daily life. Remember, this exercise is purely for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a professional psychological evaluation. Let’s go with the illustration!
Look at the image of the visual test

Check out the results of the visual test
Did you choose symbol #1?
- If you selected the first symbol, your mental age is between 35 and 45 years. You have a mature and thoughtful mindset. You tend to carefully analyze every situation before making decisions and prefer to surround yourself with calm and organized environments. You value peace and balance, and you are often the person others turn to for good advice and guidance. Your approach to life is pragmatic and balanced; you like to have a plan and work steadily and organized toward your goals. You feel comfortable in situations where you can apply your wisdom and experience, and you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. This ability to be an emotional support and offer perspective makes your friends and family trust you, which strengthens your interpersonal bonds. Despite your maturity, you also have an innate curiosity that drives you to continuously grow. You recognize that life is constantly changing, and although you prefer stability, you strive to adapt to new circumstances.
Did you choose symbol #2?
- If you selected the second symbol, your mental age is between 25 and 35 years. You have a fresh and open mindset, always ready to explore new ideas and experiences. You love to grow and learn; although you are aware of your responsibilities, you allow yourself to dream and be creative. Your innovative spirit and willingness to adapt allow you to see the world from a unique and balanced perspective. You are someone who values curiosity and continuous learning, which drives you to seek opportunities for personal and professional development. You enjoy change and face it with enthusiasm, as each new experience offers you the chance to expand your horizons. Your positive outlook enables you to find beauty and potential in everyday life, inspiring those around you to adopt a similar attitude. Additionally, your creativity and originality are reflected in how you approach life; you are able to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to challenges.
Did you choose symbol #3?
- If you selected the third symbol, your mental age is between 18 and 25 years. You have a youthful spirit, full of enthusiasm, and you enjoy experiencing life to the fullest. You prefer not to worry too much about the future and focus on making the most of each moment. Your energy and passion drive you to take risks and constantly seek new adventures that keep you motivated. Your focus is on living with intensity and making the most of every experience. You are not afraid of change or the unexpected, as they represent opportunities for growth and learning. Curiosity and the desire to explore the world define your way of being. You are someone who follows the excitement of the present, valuing every moment as a unique opportunity. Additionally, your natural optimism helps you maintain a positive attitude in the face of difficulties, tackling them with courage and determination. People are often drawn to your energy and charisma, as you inspire those around you with your vitality.
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